Do You Know Their Love Language? 





 Bridgeway Education Network






  • The 24 "Canoe Plants" of Ancient Hawaii: A guide to the life-sustaining plants carried by early Polynesian voyagers in their canoes.

  • The Academy of Natural Sciences: Founded in 1812, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia is the oldest science research institution in the Western Hemisphere and a world leader in the fields of natural science research.

  • Access Excellence: National educational program sponsored by the biotechnology industry pioneer.

  • ANU Bioinformatics HypermediaService: Biodiversity, Bioinformation, Biomathematics, and Visual Sciences.

  • Baylor Molecular Genetics: A page of Program Documentation for our most-used Molecular Biology Programs.

  • BioChemNet: Large set of Bio-Chemistry Resources!

  • BioEd: Biological Sciences Education Resources.

  • Biomedical Time Series Analysis - Mathematical Models: Analysis Methodology - To properly analyze and classify biomedical time series using formal methods.

  • BioWeb - The California State University (CSU) Biological Sciences WWW Server: The purpose of this server is to consolidate existing WWW Biological Science teaching and research resources and to create and distribute original multimedia resources for the teaching of biology.

  • CELL's Alive: See how white blood cells find bacterial invaders, compare the size of viruses and bacteria to various human cells, watch a video of penicillin doing its job, and more at this site devoted to bringing microbiological images to the Internet.

  • Cells Alive!: A site that reveals the behavior and function of cells by using animated GIF images.

  • Cow's Eye Dissection: One of the most popular demonstrations at the Exploratorium in San Francisco.

  • Creation - Evolution: Great Creation Site!

  • Creation Research Society: Good research site, lots of info!

  • CRC Press - Sci/Tech Publications and Courses: A scientific and technical publisher of books, journals, software, regulatory newsletters, and environmental seminars.

  • The Electronic Zoo: A List of Animal-Related Computer Resources.

  • Entomology at Colorado State University: Links to other sites featuring entomology.

  • EOS Buchantiquariat Benz (Zurich, Switzerland): Earth Science & Natural History - catalogue of books.

  • Fermilab Education Programs - Subject Index: A comprehensive list of links to programs, curricula, internships, fellowships, and classroom materials offered by the Fermilab Education Office.

  • Fibonacci Numbers and Nature: Fibonacci and his original problem about rabbits that gave the series its name.

  • Field Museum of Natural History: The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois, is an educational institution concerned with the diversity and relationships in nature and among cultures.

  • FINS - Fish Information Service: An archive of information about aquariums.

  • Fisher Scientific Education Service: The Fisher Science Education On-Line Service is a gateway to the vast library of Biology.

  • Florida Museum of Natural History (Gainesville, FL, USA): This WWW server provides access to the museum, its collections and databases, research programs, exhibits, public education programs, administrative departments, function, and history.

  • FlyBase: a genetic and molecular database for Drosophila: FlyBase Data Access.

  • Frog Dissection: Interactive program that uses a forms-based interface, part of the "Whole Frog" project.

  • Genetics Library (Cambridge): Literature Searches; Genetics WWW Resources.

  • Geometric Aspects of Protein Structure and Function: This site explains two studies that Dr. Michael G. Prisant has conducted on the molecular geometry of proteins.

  • Gordon's Entomological Page: A searchable resource devoted to insects from Gordon Ramel.

  • Heart Dissection: A short dissection tour of the pig's heart and valve anatomy, complete with pictures, explanatory text, and other links.

  • The Heart: A Virtual Exploration: Explore the heart - discover the complexities of its development and structure; follow the blood through the blood vessels; wander through the weblike body systems.

  • How Birds Fly: Reveals the mysteries of flapping flight with sequences of unique high-speed photos of geese, owls, ducks, gulls, terns, osprey and ruffed grouse (including 16 full-color photos).

  • HSTM Biographical Dictionary: From the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine pages of the WWW Virtual Library.

  • Human Genome Center (HGC): The Human Genome Center of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory is oriented towards developing and implementing directed methodologies for cost-effective and accurate high throughput human DNA sequencing.

  • Interactive Science Education: The first "shocked" science lab on the WWW, this site contains relatively small (less than 50K) Shockwave modules dedicated to the visualization of scientific concepts.

  • Journals of the Company of Biologists Limited: Development - a primary research journal providing an insight into mechanisms of plant and animal development.

  • Lowry Park Zoo: Map of the habitats. Exhibits: Florida Wildlife Center, Manatee Aquatic Center, Primate World, Asian Domain, Free-Flight Aviary, Children's Village.

  • Making Effective Decisions: Information about a workshop biology course whose primary goal is to improve students' decision-making abilities.

  • Mammals: Mammal Species of the World; Index of the USNM Mammals Collection; MAMMAL-L Discussion Group Digests; Mammalogists on E-mail; Smithsonian Natural History Gopher top-level menu.

  • Mathematical Life Sciences Archives - UTK: Every conceivable biology topic!

  • MendelWeb: An educational resource for teachers and students interested in the origins of classical genetics.

  • Molecular Virology at the University of Wisconsin: Virology-related News and Journal Articles.

  • Museum of the History of Science: This Oxford, England, Museum houses an exceptional collection of historic scientific instruments in what is the world's oldest surviving purpose-built museum building, the Old Ashmolean Building.

  • The Nanoworld Home Page (CMM): The Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis is an interdisciplinary research and service facility dedicated to an understanding of the structure and composition of all materials at atomic, molecular, cellular and macromolecular scales.

  • National Center for Macromolecular Imaging: NCMI, formerly known as the 3DEM Resource Center, at Baylor College of Medicine is a national facility for intermediate electron cryomicroscopy and image reconstruction supported by NIH National Center of Research Resources.

  • Natural Perspective: This site is dedicated to the beauty and science of nature and to the joys it brings those who explore it.

  • Neuroscience for Kids: A page for elementary and secondary school students and teachers who would like to learn more about the nervous system - activities and experiments to learn more about the brain and spinal cord.

  • The North American Breeding Bird Survey: The BBS was designed to provide a continent-wide perspective of bird population changes.

  • Oceanography / Marine Biology: Education resources for oceanography, marine biology, fisheries, etc...

  • Research on Brain Information Processing: Researchers are using mathematics and information science to try to understand brain functions and advanced information processing in the brain through system theory.

  • Safari Ocean Adventures: A portion of the Safari WWW site that provides a list of links to other oceanic institutes and resources on the Net.

  • Scorpion du Jour: The purpose of this page is to provide a little non-technical information about individual species of scorpions.

  • Sea World and Busch Gardens Information Data Base: Animal Information Data Base, Teacher's Guides, Shamu TV: Sea World and Busch Gardens Video Classroom. Classroom teachers may make reprographic copies of worksheets for noncommercial use.

  • Smithsonian Natural History Web: Compiled and maintained by the National Museum of Natural History.

  • Society for Mathematical Biology: A forum for discussion of research in biology, mathematical-biology, and mathematics applied to or motivated by biology - interdisciplinary research such as biophysics, computational biology, and many other similar realms.

  • SuccessMaker Online from Computer Curriculum Corporation (CCCNet): Energy Flow in Amazonia: How do plants, animals and other organisms obtain the energy they need to live?.

  • Surf Sites for CyberBiologists: A page for novice cyberbiologists, providing them with starting points useful to surf the biological dimension of the Web.

  • Those Amazing Seaworld Animals (a lesson by Robin Adams): Students are asked to research the animals at Seaworld (via the Internet) so that they can record the information that find using various types of graphs (circle graph, bar graph, line graph).

  • Elvis' House of Herpetology: Herpetology: a branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians.

  • The Virtual Flylab: Learn the principles of genetic inheritance by designing matings between male and female fruit flies. Virtual FlyLab applies the correct rules of genetic inheritance and returns to the user results which include images of the parent flies and their offspring.

  • Whale-Watching Web: For the first time central European people have a possibility to visit the North Calotte area in Scandinavia for whale-watching.

  • WhaleNet: WhaleNet is an interdisciplinary, hands-on, collaborative telecomputing project to foster excitement and learning about the natural world in schools across the nation and around the globe.

  • Worm World (part of New Jersey Online's Yucky Site): Wendall Worm, reporter-at-large, interviews an earthworm, a leech, a tapeworm, a tubeworm, and a planarian worm. Worms as recyclers; Meet Mary, the Worm Woman.

  • The Yuckiest Site on the Internet (Insects): Created in partnership with Liberty Science Center (the new science education center), this site is designed to introduce the world of insects to the general public in a friendly and un-intimidating way.

  • ZooNet: Aims to make available information about every Zoo in the WORLD, as well as a sampling of pictures, recordings and video clips of the animals in those Zoos.

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